Privacy Policy

Our first concern at “our-collections” is to protect your privacy and the security of your personal data. This privacy statement explains our procedures for gathering, using, disclosing, and safeguarding the data you give us. You declare your agreement to the methods outlined below by using our website. Information Gathering: We may collect personal information, such as your name, email address and shipping address, when you place an order on our website. We may also collect non-personal information about you, such as your IP address, browser type, and device details, to enhance your surfing experience.

  1. Information Use: We use the data we gather to fulfil orders, provide customer care, enhance our goods and services, and personalise your shopping experience. Your email address might also be used by us to send you updates or promotional offers related to our products; however, you always have the option to discontinue receiving these alerts.
  2. Information Sharing: It is against our strong policy to trade, sell, or rent your personal information to unaffiliated third parties for marketing reasons. However, we might disclose your information to dependable service providers that help us run our website and carry out business operations. These service providers have a responsibility to maintain the security and privacy of your information.

  3. Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience and learn more about how you use our website. You may manage your cookie choices through your browser’s settings. You may manage your cookie choices through your browser’s settings.

  4. Data Security: To prevent unauthorised access, loss, abuse, or alteration of your personal data, we have implemented reasonable security measures. Please be aware, however, that there is no 100% assurance of security for any data transmission via the Internet or on a storage system.|

  5. Links to Other Websites: There may be links to other websites on our website. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practises or the content of any external websites. Before sending any personal information to such third parties, we strongly advise you to study their privacy policies.

  6. Privacy Policy Modifications: We reserve the right to alter or change this privacy statement at any time. Any modifications will take effect as soon as the new Privacy Policy is published on our website. We suggest that you regularly assess this policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or how your personal information is handled, don’t hesitate to contact us.